When does deterrence succeed and how do we know?
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Ottawa : Canadian Institute for International Peace and Security, c1990.; 100 images avec recherche en texte intégral
Notice bibliographique du document
- Créateur
Lebow, Richard Ned.
Stein, Janice.
Canadian Institute for International Peace and Security. - Titre
Occasional papers (Canadian Institute for International Peace and Security) ; no. 8.
When does deterrence succeed and how do we know? - Adresse bibliographique
- Ottawa : Canadian Institute for International Peace and Security, c1990.
- Identificateur
CA1 EA724 90O08 ENG
b2310582 - Sujet
Deterrence (Strategy)
Attack and defense (Military science)
Strategy. - Notes
Also published in French under title: La dissuasion, analyse des parametres de réussite.
90 p. ; 23 cm. --
Includes bibliographical references. - Langue
- anglais
- https://gac.canadiana.ca/view/ooe.b2310582